Frequently Asked Questions about Gearmano Products

What kind of quality can I expect from Gearmano products?

Answer: The products are always the best, with fast shipping times to all customers and receive many positive feedback from them.

What happens if the product is damaged during production?

Answer: Don’t worry, we will help you. If any of your posters are damaged during production or shipping simply contact us with your order information and we will replace the item free of charge.

How long does shipping take?

Answer: All orders will be shipped within 3-5 days and will be shipped within 7-10 business days. Delivery time is usually 10-15 days from when you place your order. Please note that deliveries are only made Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

What is the return policy?

Answer: If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, simply return it within 30 days for a full refund.

How do you handle my account information?

Answer: We take the protection of your sensitive information very seriously. All information is encrypted using the latest 128 SSL encryption technology and we do not share our customers’ addresses or emails with third parties.

Where is Gearmano located?

Answer: Gearmano ships all orders from San Francisco County, CA.